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NoMeRcY Researched Information:
We at NoMeRcY Nonprofit Corporation has gathered the researched information from a variety of resources and we do not represent, undertake, guarantee, warrant, or give any implication that the information is 100% accurate and are 100% complete facts.
Though NoMeRcY Nonprofit Corporation aim to provide the best practices, laws, and statues within all 50 states, the information is not intended for legal advice, we are not attorneys and we do not pretend to be attorneys. Therefore, it is your responsibility to do further research on given information to assure accuracy, and prevention of any loss, penalties, damages, or expenses, however arising.
Your participation in NoMeRcY Spiritual Holistic Training Podcast & Spiritual Life Coaching exercises pertaining to suggestions, physical or thought exercises, or meditations, DOES NOT establish a doctor (physician, therapist, psychologist, counselor) & patient relationship of any kind what so ever between you, yourself and any of NoMeRcY employees, helpers, Spiritual Life Coach, or any living soul on behalf of NoMeRcY. If you are receiving the care from any mental health professionals, you will definitely need to notify and consult them for information pertaining to yourself and your unique situation., due to the fact that NoMeRcY Spiritual Holistic Training Podcast Corporation provides personal experienced Spiritual information and suggestions only and therefore we do not diagnose, or treat any mental disorders of any kind as defines by the American Psychiatric Association or any in its class. NoMeRcY Spiritual Holistic Training Podcast Corporation declaims any liability for your reliance on any suggestions, opinions, or advice that you obtain within your participation., and therefore you will forgive and discharge any and all known claims and liabilities if any shall arise. NoMeRcY Spiritual Holistic Training Podcast Corporation is not liable for any damages arising in contract, or otherwise from use or the inability to use this site, contents, suggestions, or any other material contained in it, or from any action or decision taken as a result of using services. The Materials and information on this site, location and other ways communicated is for uplifting purposes only and is not for legal or other professional advice. You should always consult your professional advisor for legal or other advice. We offer connections to other sites and entities but we are not responsible for the contents of any information it contains. Our purpose is to assist you to relevant information pertaining to your special situation, and we are not responsible for any transmission of information.
Thank you kindly,
NoMeRcY (Theresa&Robert Chatman)